Book Chapters
Leong, C.H. (2024). What egalitarianism means to individuals from unequal societies. In Lily Arasaratnam-Smith & L. Ripley Smith (Ed.) , Communicating in Intercultural Spaces. Routledge. ISBN 9781032331492
Leong, C.H. (2024). Insights: The Unbearable Lightness of "Othering". In Leong, C.H., Lim, C., & Huang, H.Y. (ed.), Confident Identities, Connected Communities, pp. 251-260. Singapore: World Scientific.
Sengstschmid, U., & Leong, C.H. (2023). How Power Distance Shapes Social and Employment Protections in Asian Societies. In J. Wood, J. Ramsay, K. Thirumaran, & E. Ng (Ed.), Managing People Across Asia-Pacific: An Organizational Psychology Approach, pp. 377-402, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Leong, C.H., & Ang, A.Y.T. (2023). Data management and analysis in the social service sector. In S. Vasoo, B. Singh, and S. Chokkanathan (ed.) Singapore Ageing: Issues and Challenges Ahead, pp. 189-205. Singapore: World Scientific.
Leong, C.H. (2022). Singapore in 2021: Navigating through domestic and global crises. Southeast Asian Affairs. 309-323. ISBN: 9789814951180
Yan, Y., Chin, W.C.B., Leong, C.H., Wang, Y.-C., & Feng, C.-C. (2021). Emotional Responses through COVID-19 in Singapore. In Shaw, S.L., & Sui, D. (Ed.), Mapping COVID-19 in Space and Time: Understanding the Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of a Global Pandemic, pp. 61-79. Springer.
Leong, C.H., Chin, W.C.B., Feng, C.-C., & Wang, Y.-C. (2021). A Socio-ecological Perspective on COVID-19 Spatiotemporal Integrated Vulnerability in Singapore. In Shaw, S.L., & Sui, D. (Ed.), Mapping COVID-19 in Space and Time: Understanding the Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of a Global Pandemic, pp. 81-111. Springer.
Leong, C.H. & Yap, Y. (2020). Geographic Segregation in Singapore: The Emerging Schism in Our Social Contour. In Chong, T. (Ed), Navigating Differences: Integration in Singapore, pp. 231-247. Singapore: ISEAS (ISBN 13: 9789814881265 ISBN 10: 9814881260)
Leong, C.H., Teng, E., & Ko, W. (2020). The State of Ethnic Congregation in Singapore Today. In Leong C.H., & Malone-Lee L.C. (Ed.), Building Resilient Neighbourhoods: The Convergence of Policies, Research, and Practice, pp. 29-49, Singapore: Springer.
Lim, V., & Leong, C.H. (2019). Gender differences of working youths’ attitudes towards marriage and work. The state of youth in Singapore 2017, pp. 124-138. National Youth Council. (ISBN 13: 9789811148651)
Leong, C.H. (2019). Re-imagining National Service in the Era of Hyperculturalism. In Ho, S.H., & Ong-Webb, G., (Ed.) National Service in Singapore, pp. 155-172. Singapore: World Scientific.
Teng, E. & Leong, C.H. (2017). Localised differences in the conception of cultural and economic security: Examining the multiculturalism hypothesis in Singapore. E-book of the 2016 Congress of International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Komisarof, A., & Leong, C.H. (2016). Acculturation in East and Southeast Asia. In Sam, D.L., and Berry, J.W. (2nd Ed.) Cambridge Handbook of Acculturation Psychology, pp. 248-271. Cambridge University Press.
Leong, C.H., Yang, W.W., & Hong, J. (2016). National Service: The Holy Grail in the Management of Social Diversity. In Mathews, M., & Chiang, W.F., (Ed.). Managing the Singapore Identity amidst Diversity, pp. 299-328. London: Imperial College Press. (ISBN 13: 9781783269556)
Leong, C.H., Choo, M., Ho, E., Lim, V., Seah, P., & Yang, W.W. (2016). Study on the Perceptions of Singapore’s History. In Soon, C., and Hoe, S.F. (Ed.) Singapore Perspectives 2015: Choices, pp. 153-187. World Scientific: Singapore.
Leong, C.H. & Yang, W.W. (2015). Social Markers of Integration: What Matters Most to Singaporeans? In M.T. Yap, & G. Koh (Ed.), Integration of Immigrants in Singapore, pp. 39-64. Singapore: Routledge.
Leong, C.H. (2015). Whither Integration? Managing the Politics of Identity and Social Inclusion. In N. Vasu, S.Y. Yeap, W.L. Chan, (Ed) Beyond Economics: Immigration’s Impact on Singapore, pp. 147-173. Amsterdam University Press.
Leong, C.H., Rueppel, P., & Hong, D. (2014). Managing immigration and integration in Singapore. In Migration and Integration: Common Challenges and Response from Europe and Asia (Ed), pp.51-72. Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. (ISBN 13: 9789810789374 ISBN 10: 9810789378)
Ward, C., Tibor, A., & Leong, C.H. (2013). Immigration Issues, Challenges and Policy: A View from New Zealand. In E. Tartakovsky (Ed.) Immigration: Policies, Challenges and Impact, pp.157-177, Nova Science. (ISBN 13: 9781624170300, ISBN 10: 1624170307)
Leong, C.H. (2013). The Socio-psychological Profile of Prospective Emigrants: Singaporeans leaving Singapore. In E. Tartakovsky (Ed.) Immigration: Policies, Challenges and Impact, pp. 29-49, Nova Science. (ISBN 13: 9781624170300, ISBN 10: 1624170307)
Leong, C.H. & Lin, W. (2010). “Show me the money!” Construct and predictive validation of the Intercultural Business Corruptibility Scale (IBCS). In C.H. Leong & J.W. Berry’s (Ed.) Intercultural Relations in Asia: Migration and Work Effectiveness, 151-176. World Scientific: Singapore.
Leong, C.H. (2007). Quitters and Stayers: The Singapore dilemma to nurturing culturally competent individuals and the need for national rootedness. In Youthscope (Ed.) National Youth Council Annual Research Publication, pp. 04-19.
Leong, C.H. (2007). Ethnic identity and generation status as moderators of depressive symptomatology and identity conflict in Chinese Australians. In A. Bernardo (Ed.) Progress in Asian Social Psychology (Vol. 5): Theoretical and Empirical Contributions, pp. 281-305 . Seoul: Kyoyook-Kwahak-Sa.
Ward, C. & Leong, C.H. (2006). Intercultural relations in plural societies: Theory, research and applications. In D. Sam, & J. Berry (Ed.) Cambridge Handbook of Acculturation Psychology, pp. 484-503. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ward, C., & Leong, C.H. (2005). Chinese sojourners, Chinese hosts: A study of cultural identity and perceived discrimination in international students in Singapore. In Y. Kashima, Y. Endo, E. S. Kashima, C. Leung, & J. McClure (Eds.), Progress in Asian Social Psychology (Vol.4): Theoretical and Empirical Contributions, pp.125-138. Seoul: Kyoyook-Kwahak-Sa.
Leong, C.H. & Ward, C. (1999). The effects of enhancing and effacing attributions for success and failure on Chinese person perceptions in self and group referent conditions. In T. Sugiman, M. Karasawa, J. Liu, & Ward (Eds.), Progress in Asian Social Psychology (Vol. 2): Theoretical and Empirical Contributions, pp. 75-85, Seoul: Kyoyook-Kwahak-Sa.